Jef Aérosol


“In my work I love to call up my feelings and emotions to honor these modern day heroes who have fed my life with their music, art and ideas.”

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Sometimes called the "French Banksy", Jef Aérosol is without a doubt a pioneer of Street Art. He’s best known for his work in spray painting and stenciling. His art is in many private collections around the world, as well as on the walls of cities like Paris, London, Lisbon and Chicago, New York and Bejing. He lives and works in Lille, France.

A true originator who helped spark what is now known as “Street Art” when he sprayed his first stencil series across the city of Tours, France one night in 1982, the self-taught Jef Aerosol has continuously rocked the streets with his oversized portraits and helped define a new public art nomenclature with other French artists like Blek Le Rat, Miss Tic, and Speedy Graphito. Steadily from the ’80s to the ’10s Aerosol has cut and sprayed stunning portraits of his heroes; cultural icons who stand undiminished by the hype.
They connect directly with the masses and shake public opinion with humor and provocation; Strummer, Cash, Vicious, Hendrix, Bowie, Bardot, Cobain, Lennon, Smith, Jagger – all brainy agitators and vixens cut and sprayed in stark layers of black, grey and white. And each with Jef Aerosol’s signature hot red arrows affixed nearby for exclamation. In Street Art and in the gallery, Jef Aerosol has not purely focused on those well-known personages. Among the faces you’ll find a number of self-portraits and portrayals of the more anonymous among us such as those living and working in the streets.