Browse Blog

A Night to Remember: J'aime MTL

Last night, February 11, Station 16 opened its doors past regular close to welcome the new exhibit, "J'aime MTL", which will be on display until March 1st 2016. 

123klan 3523 saint Laurent 3523stlaurent alex scaner art art event art gallery art gallery montreal art montreal art show barefoot wine boulevard saint laurent bruno guerin buy art online buy street art online canada canadian canadian art contemporary art contemporary Canadian art contemporary urban art design design montreal enzo sarto galerie station 16 galerie station16 graffiti installation installation art j'aime mtl jason wasserman la galerie station 16 laurence vallieres marie-claude marquis montreal ryan labrosse saint laurent scaner Station16gallery street art | 12/02/2016

Everything But The Whole Story


Last week, we opened Everything but the Whole Story, a solo show featuring the work of the street artist, Joe Iurato. As one of our most unique shows to date, Iurato's work creatively interacts with its surroundings, inevitably leaving the viewer with a smile. 
black and white cut outs exhibition installation installation art interactive art joe iurato new jersey new york new york city nyc photography solo show station 16 gallery street art urban art vernissage wooden cut outs | 30/09/2015