Browse Blog

Nothing Exists!

Station 16 Gallery is excited to present Nothing Exists, a solo show by the Los Angeles-based art collective, Cyrcle. Exploring notions of religion, science, and duality, Nothing Exists is Cyrcle's first gallery show of the year to exhibit their new body of work.
art collective belief california contemporary art cyrcle duality exhibition existence exposition fact faith life los angeles montreal mural mural festival nothing exists outer space religion science space station 16 gallery street art urban art vernissage | 02/06/2015

Enzo Sarto Cannot Be Stopped

















There is an inherent shock value when viewing the work of Enzo Sarto. Executed in a clean and crisp manner, Sarto’s photographs highlight a deceptive innocence that demands attention. Although stating that his work “is about passions, prejudices, and fear,” a specific clarification, such as why a little girl wears a bandana around her face like a vandal and holds a gun as if she just committed murder, remains elusive. Politically and socially charged images infiltrate much of Sarto’s work, producing a dialogue that begs for an explanation. 

alarm pull art gallery montreal brooklyn brooklyn street art enzo enzo sarto gender roles guns idols montreal gallery new york new york street art nyc nyc street art photographs photography religion religious imagery station 16 station 16 gallery street art street artists urban art violence wheatpastes women | 24/03/2015