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TAVA à Barcelone


 Murale à Barcelone, photo de Antoine Tavaglione

Après un relocalisation à Barcelone, l’artiste Montréalais Antoine Tavaglione (Tava) laisse sa marque dans les rues de la ville espagnole.

Les gens déménagent normalement pour une de deux raisons: le travail ou l'amour. Pour Tava, c’est une combinaison des deux. Avec une prochaine exposition solo à Copenhague, une collaboration des vêtements avec un designer à Dubaï, et d'autres projets d'illustration, Tava a également pris le temps de créé des oeuvres à Barcelone même. L'artiste décrit la ville comme "un bon terrain d'entente pour voyager à toutes ces destinations et de travailler en collaboration plus facilement avec les commissaires et clients. 

antoine tavaglione barcelona bart bart simpson montreal montreal street artist mural popeye screaming hearts spain stickers street art tava urban art | 19/02/2015

GIVE ME A DOODLE INSTEAD: Part III of "What is an Artist?"





“I hadn't picked up a paintbrush or spray can for almost a decade when I first starting fucking around with drawing and painting again,” wrote Hanksy, the pun-master known for his quirky mash-ups of Tom Hanks’ head on various animal bodies. (Yup, you read that right.) “I constantly dodge the label when talking about myself in interviews. In my opinion, it's a heavy term. One that I'm still struggling to figure out. Some people call me an artist; most do not. I find that those who spend bags and bags of money getting a degree - which stamps them official artists - have a more specific and hardened definition. And that's cool. I guess the general consensus is that to be called an artist, you must be creative. I'll take that ticket.” 

antoine tavaglione hanksy outdoor gallery nyc sarah thornton stikki peaches tava what is an artist yoav litvin | 06/02/2015

Street Art Heist.


A wall which used to hold original works from both WIA & Labrona now stands empty at the Station16 gallery.

What seemed like a regular Monday morning at Station16 gallery... turned out to be the scene of a crime. Over 50,000$ worth of original art and prints where stolen this week when Station16 Gallery was broken into and robbed! Antoine Tavaglione, Labrona, Stikki Peaches, Scaner, Whatisadam, and ZekOne, are just a few of the artists who's works were stolen...

art art heist labrona montreal paintings police robbery scan station16 stolen street art tava whatisadam zekone | 05/11/2013